1. Demanding To Much Money Many estimates submitted to the insurance company exceed the insurance policy coverages. This only tells the insurance company that you do not know what is covered by your policy and that your demand is an attempt to get compensation for repairs that are not covered.
2. Settling a Claim Without Knowing the Full Extent of Damages Not knowing what your entitled to under the policy provisions can grossly minimize your settlement, a public adjuster is a licensed insurance expert and can accurately estimate all the damages covered by your policy provisions and clauses. Public adjusters utilize a sophisticated computer estimating software using national construction pricing guide so your estimate has the most current and up to date pricing on all construction labor and materials.
3. Assuming The Insurance Company Will Pay Fairly If you do not understand the insurance provisions and clauses written in your policy you cannot properly represent yourself to the insurance company. It can also be a conflict of interest when the adjuster representing the insurance company has to assess your damages, it can mean putting your interests in second place. Hiring your own adjuster will show the insurance company that you have a knowledgeable insurance professional to protect your best interests and ensure fair compensation.
4. Taking No for An AnswerOver The Phone The insurance company's representative can tell you " No " for the reasons that your deductable covers the damage or that you are not covered for hurricanes over the telephone, these are not ethical business practices. Call New Jersey Claims Group we offer a complimentary home inspection and policy review from a licensed professional; we can also give you a second opinion regarding your possible claim.